The Jones Center announces new partnerships, fees

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 218 views 

SPRINGDALE – The Jones Trust continues to attract key partnership agreements and recently approved a fee hike to help fill the $2.16 million annual operating deficit at The Jones Center for Families in Springdale.

Last month the board met with a number of organizations and came away with two new partnerships on the heels of the Red Cross deal announced in January.

NorthWest Arkansas Community College and Northwest Technical Institute will soon begin offering classes in rented space at the Jones Center. The regional office for the American Red Cross is already leasing there. The new location also allows the Red Cross to offer a wide range of classes and safety training courses.

“We are able to offer these partners a high quality facility with ample parking, a wide variety of meeting and classroom space options, and most importantly, a site where all user groups feel comfortable coming to visit and learn.  said Dennis Smiley board member. “We are pleased to be working with these respected partners along with offering these important classes, programs and services to the community.”

Smiley added, “Our goal is to stabilize the Center’s finances so that the center will last into perpetuity and continue to provide its vital and important services far into the future. Based on the current economic conditions, the endowment of the Jones Trust can provide approximately one-third of the center’s $3.25 million operational budget. There is a significant need for additional revenue.”

Despite the generous gift of Bernice Jones which completely funded operations for 13 years, fees were introduced in 2008 for the ice rink and swimming pool, according to Board Member Russell Tooley.

Tooley said the public understands the necessity of charging fees to use the nice facilities. But now some fees will increase to help provide economic sustainability for the center.  Even at the higher rate, usage fees will cover only about 10% to 15% of the center’s operating expenses, he said.

The board feels the Jones Center is still one of the best values in the entire region for space rental and family recreation.

Because the center’s utility costs run more than $90,000 per month to keep ice frozen on one end and an olympic-size pool at the right temperature on the other end – patrons using these services will be pay more effective April 1.

In 2011, the ice arena attracted 90,000 visitors, 105,000 worked out in the gymnasium and fitness center, and over 58,000 swam in the pools. 

The entry fee for the public sessions to swim in the center’s indoor pools will be $3 per person. The fee to use region’s only indoor ice rink will be $5, and ice skate rentals will cost an additional $2. The new fee structure will be in effect for all days the center is open to the public. 

Spokeswoman Kelly Kemp-McLintock said many of  the center’s regular users have requested information about a membership program and now that is currently being designed with details to be announced in the near future.

The Summer Youth Academy, a 7-week summer program for children ages 6 to 11, will remain at last year’s rate of $60 per week. Registration is open for the 4th annual Summer Youth Academy program that will begin in June and run through August.

Room rental rates are also changing.  Rentals start at $10 per half day and are based on room size and amenities. The Jones Center offers classroom and meeting space, accommodates conferences and seminars, offers wedding chapel & reception packages, can host family reunions and is a popular destination for birthday parties. 

Kemp-McLintock said discounts will be provided to public school groups. 

The American Red Cross began offering a number of healthy living and safety classes this month including: adult and pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED for the public and for professional rescuers. Additional classes will include Babysitter’s Training and Lifeguard Certification.

Northwest Technical Institute community education division will expand its class offerings in rooms it is leasing from the Jones Center starting next month. Topics include: QuickBooks, Excel, PowerPoint, internet computers for seniors, finances, identity theft, writing resumes, job interviewing, and improving job skills.  A number of classes will be offered in both English and Spanish.

NorthWest Arkansas Community College will lease four classrooms at the Jones Center to teach an assortment of core courses as it expands its offerings into Washington County. The NWACC board of trustees voted to expand its range of class offerings and rent office and classroom space at the Jones Center starting in the fall semester. NWACC will maintain several offices at the center and will also have a security presence. The classes will be announced in the future.

“We are so grateful to all of our supporters, including individuals, foundations and corporate partners for aiding us in keeping the Jones Center so affordable to the general public,” Kemp-McLintock said. “The Jones Center holds a unique position in the community as it is one of the few places in the region where everyone, no matter their cultural background or socioeconomic level, truly feels safe, welcome and comfortable.”