Abstinence appreciated
by February 10, 2012 2:02 pm 93 views
Sometime Rogers Little Theater director Kaye Cotton is looking for fresh blood — but will also accept any veterans — in auditions Feb. 13 and Feb. 15 for RLT’s upcoming production of “No Sex Please, We’re British.”
The play by Alistair Foot and Anthony Marriott has been a stage favorite since it opened in London in 1971. A young bride lives above a bank with her husband, who is the assistant manager, innocently sends a mail order off for Scandinavian glassware. In return, she gets Scandinavian pornography.
The plot revolves around what is to be done with the veritable floods of pornographic books, films and eventually girls that threaten to engulf this happy couple. The matter is considerably complicated by the man’s mother, his boss, a visiting bank inspector, a police superintendent and a meddling friend who does everything wrong in his reluctant efforts to set everything right. The show works up to a hilarious ending of slamming doors.
Auditions are at 7 p.m. each night. Attendance both nights is requested though not mandatory. Performance dates for “No Sex Please, We’re British” are April 13-15, 19-22, 8 at Rogers Little Theater’s home stage, the Victory Theater in downtown Rogers.
Requests for audition packets can be made by email to:
More information is available through Cotton at (479) 295-6154 or the RLT box office, (479) 631-8988.