Naturals GM Takes Act Across the Pond - Talk Business & Politics

Naturals GM Takes Act Across the Pond

by Paul Gatling ( 128 views 

A casual comment to one of the richest men in the world landed Eric Edelstein in England, where he spent eight weeks teaching American-style sports marketing to a small-time soccer club.

Edelstein, general manager of the Northwest Arkansas Naturals, works for owner Bob Rich Jr., the chairman of Buffalo-based Rich Products Corp. Forbes estimated Rich’s net worth at $2.1 billion in September.

Rich learned of the Tigers after his wife bought him the title “Lord of Bedlington” as a birthday gift. Rich previously had traced his ancestry to that region of England, and became more acquainted with the struggling soccer club during a visit there.

Rich eventually gave the Tigers a shirt sponsorship and new scoreboard as part of his efforts to help the team. It was during this time Edelstein said he half-jokingly told Rich, “If you ever need someone to go to England…”

About a year later, in June, Edelstein got a call asking if he still would consider going.

“My girlfriend is here, my life is here,” Edelstein said, adding he also had concerns about being away from the day-to-day operation of the Naturals. “But we’re talking about a chance to learn a new culture, to learn a new sport in that culture.”

Thus, Edelstein found himself abroad, trying to integrate some of the marketing and promotional strategies he uses with the Naturals with the minimalist approach taken by small clubs like Bedlington. It wasn’t always easy.

“In England, you’re battling hundreds of years of history,” Edelstein said.

Still, Edelstein made headway in a number of areas, including drawing more children and families to matches, increasing interaction between players and kids, and introducing some contests and giveaways.

Before returning Nov. 16, Edelstein left the volunteers who run Bedlington a step-by-step blueprint for building on what he started. He hopes the result will be the same atmosphere fans enjoy at Arvest Ballpark.

“No one needs what we do, but we believe what we do can make Northwest Arkansas a better place to live,” Edelstein said. “We want to have some fun, put on a good show, entertain some people.”

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